Monday, June 21, 2010

1st Day of Summer

Its a humid 1st day of summer.  The last 2 weeks have been humid...the next week is how and humid.  Much of my garden likes this weather.   I have peas that are 4' tall and full of pea pods.  I have jalapeno's that are nearly ready for harvest.  The roma tomato and cherry tomatoes have started to set fruit.  The other tomatoes are still short. 

My joy and struggle has been kholrabi.  The early ones were tasty - and I harvested my 1st the last day of May!  The problem has been cabbage worms eating all the leaves.  Where did they come from? The new dirt, The plants fom the greenhouse, the plants from my sisister???? 

The thistles continue to be a pain, too. Last Wednesday I mowed and mulched grass onto the garden,  but after the warm steamy weekend there are thistles evereywhere again.  How do I stop them?

Onions have also been a mystery - I guess they were planted to early because they have bloomed and set seed heads. Guess we'll have to eat them straight out of the garden.  That's okay. 

Off to find an onion, kohlrabi and peas to add to CSA cabbage and store carrots to make a stir fry!

OH, on a landscaping note...I should have put the Russian sage on the other side of the area and the smaller plants on this side so they can be seen from the deck.  I *think* all of my lavender are going to grow?!?  I was 100% sure only 1 made it.  Only one of the 2nd planting of daisies made it. 

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