- Tomato 1 - Grape - half barrel, thin cage
- Tomato 2 - heirloom - garden, tall cage
- Tomato 3 - heirloom ? - garden, regular cage
- Tomato 4 - roma - garden, regular cage
She also brought with her 4 varaiteys of hostas that joined the east side of the house and some Iris that are now on the west side of the house. The plants last from Laura's greenhouse treasures are 2 yellow peppers, they joined the other sweet pepper.
We visited Pecks to finish my plant shopping on Saturday. Here is what I got & did with it...
- Jeepers Creepers - Whitley's Speedwell (Veronica whitleyi) - landscaped area near the lavender that I can't decide if its growing our not
- Jeepers Creepers - Creeping Thyme (Thymus praecox 'Elfin"
- 2 Jalapeno pepers - south edge of garden with the peppers
- 1 habenero pepper- in the middle of the spinach patch...hope the tomatoes don't over grow it like they have in the past, but did not want it on the edge of the garden in case an unsuspecting child were to have a sample of the peppers.
- Salmon pink geranium vine hanging plant for the hook on the north side of the house
We have been enjoying radishes out of the garden this week! Its amazing to see the difference in maturity of the kholrabi that I got from the greenhouse vs the ones that I got on Mother's Day weekend and planted 3 weeks later!
The peas have been enjoying the summerlike temps this week and have taken off growing on the trellis, and pea gates. (Found the fencing under the deck decided to make some happy peas and gave it to them last weekend, too) The beans have all sprouted in the last 2 days as-well as lots of weeds!